In general we recommend a yearly visual check-up just after winter season. Please check for the presence of the following three points:
a. Dirt & green deposits; clean with low pressure water and soft brush
b. Fading out of colours
c. Diminishing pearl effect
If necessary (concerning point b./c.) apply a maintenance coat according to the instructions. The frequency of maintenance depends on the weather conditions:
- In normal weather conditions: every 5 years
- In extreme weather conditions: every 3 years
- In ideal circumstances, this can take significantly longer: up to 10 years
Normal climates: when the colour fades, apply a maintenance coat of WoodCream with WoodCream Softener in a ratio from 9 parts WoodCream and 1 part WoodCream Softener to 1 part WoodCream and 1 part WoodCream Softener in order to achieve the desired result. Consult the technical data sheet for more information.
Frequency according to exposure, geographical situation, solar orientation of the treated wood, wood type, and desired shade. Waterfront, seaside, pilling, wetland, marshland, … sometimes require a more frequent maintenance.