Floor slip resistance tests - Oil Plus 2C

1. Pendulum testing method according BS7976-2 :2002

Oil Plus 2C and Oil UV Topcoat have demonstrated a moderate slip potential under wet test conditions and a low slip potential under dry conditions. The test was carried out using BS 7976-2: 2002 and assessed in accordance with UK Slip Resistance Group guidelines, Issue 4: 2011.

  norm date lab valid until PTV dry PTV wet Method
Oil UV + topcoat BS7976-2:2002 2013 Satra N.A. 55 30 Pendulum tester 
Oil Plus 2C BS7976-2:2002 2013 Satra N.A. 59 35 Pendulum tester

Download official reports here:

Anti-slip test Oil Plus 2C BS7976-2: 2002_Satra 2013

Anti-slip test Oil UV R2 + Topcoat UV BS 7976-22002_Satra_2013

2. Slip resistance test with test person according DIN 51130: 2014

A test person with test shoes, in an upright position, is walking on the floor covering to be
tested in forward and backward direction while the inclination of the flooring is increasing
from the initial horizontal state until an acceptance angle (inclination angle) is reached.  The average inclination angle is used to assess the degree of slipping.

Oil Plus 2C demonstrates an anti-slip class R10 according to DIN 51130 (2014).

  norm date lab valid until Anti-slip class angle of acceptance
Oil Plus 2C Gold DIN 51130:2014 2019 Wood.be n.v.t. R10 12°

The anti-slip classes according to DIN 51130 (2014) are the following:
 Angle of acceptance for class R9: above 6° until 10°
 Angle of acceptance for class R10: above 10° until 19°
 Angle of acceptance for class R11: above 19° until 27°
 Angle of acceptance for class R12: above 27° until 35°
 Angle of acceptance for class R13: above 35°.

Downoad official report here: Anti-slip test Oil Plus 2C Gold DIN 5113:2014_wood.be


3. UK Slip Resistance test according UKSRG Guidelines Issue 5:2016

"Oil Plus 2C GreenGuard" has demonstrated a moderate slip potential under wet test conditions in the worst, performing direction tested and a low slip potential under dry test conditions in the worst performing direction tested, when tested to EN 16165:2021 Annex C and assessed in accordance with the UK Slip Resistance Group guidelines, Issue 5:2016.

Download official report here: FLO0344189 Flooring Main - 27098.1 - Report - Oil Plus 2C